
Query Arguments

Objects can be queried using the available query arguments, allowing developers to easily search large amounts using the API.

Query arguments are applied in the following order: where, sort, skip, limit


The where argument limits the resulting document list using search criteria applied against indexed properties.

?where={<query conditions>}

See Query Operators for more details and examples of available conditions.


For example, the following call finds all accounts where the last name starts with the letter s (case-insensitive) and sorts by last name, then by first name.Example

GET /accounts?where={"name.last": {"$regex": "/^s/i"}}


Sorting can be applied to indexed properties, or to any named property when a grouping is applied. The value can be a single property name sort=total, or a JSON object containing one or more property names with either 1 (ascending) or -1 (descending) as the value.

?where={<query conditions>}&sort=<property>

Or when specifying the sort order:

?where={<query conditions>}&sort={<property>: <sort order>}

Or sorting by multiple properties:

?where={<query conditions>}&sort={<property1>: <sort order>, <property2>: <sort order>, ...}


The following shows an example of sorting a list of accounts by last name then by first name.

GET /accounts/?paths[]=name&sort={"name.last": 1, "name.first": 1}


The skip argument lets you specify a number of results to skip in your result set.

?where={<query conditions>}&skip=<positive integer>


For example, if you have a result set of 200, and you specify skip=100, you would receive results 101-200.skip

GET /accounts/?paths[]=name&skip=2

    "data": [
            "_id": "507f191e810c19729de860ea",
            "name": {
                "first": "Jane",
                "last": "Svenson"
            "object": "account"
  "hasMore": false,
  "object": "list"

/* if the full result set was
    "_id": "507f1f77bcf86cd799439011",
    "name": {
      "first": "John",
      "last": "Smith"
    "object": "account"
    "_id": "55ff9db67a00a89c14aa31a6",
    "name": {
      "first": "Stan",
      "last": "Smith"
    "object": "account"
    "_id": "507f191e810c19729de860ea",
    "name": {
      "first": "Jane",
      "last": "Svenson"
    "object": "account"

Limitations of paging with skip

Paging using skip should only be used for small result sets of a few hundred or less. For paging larger result sets, see Paging.


The limit argument allows you to specify a number of results to return, e.g. limit=2. The default limit for an API request is 100. The max limit is 1000.

?where={<query conditions>}&limit=<positive integer>

If you are dealing with a result set larger than 1000, you should either narrow your result set with a more specific where clause or use pagination to page through your full result set.


GET /accounts/?paths[]=name&limit=2

    "data": [
            "_id": "507f1f77bcf86cd799439011",
            "name": {
                "first": "John",
                "last": "Smith"
            "object": "account"
            "_id": "55ff9db67a00a89c14aa31a6",
            "name": {
                "first": "Stan",
                "last": "Smith"
            "object": "account"
  "hasMore": true,
  "object": "list"


Most API calls that result in a list response can be paged by using the hasMore property when it is true. Paging results can be accomplished using limit and where query arguments or a combination of where, limit and skip query arguments.

The recommended method for paging is using indexed, unique identifiers such as _id, sorting by the identifier and applying a where argument. For example:

?where={"_id": {"$gt": "561b5a700000000000000000"}}&sort={"_id": 1}

If forced to sort by non-unique fields, like name.last, it is possible to fall back on using the skip argument for paging, though it is not as efficient as using a unique indexed field. Additionally, paging using skip is only effective for small result sets (e.g. less than a few hundred records).

In the below example, we have a custom "Conversation" object. Suppose there are 20 conversations available to a user. An initial call to GET /conversations?paths[]=_id&limit=2&sort={"_id": 1} results in the following response:

GET /c_conversations?paths[]=_id&limit=2&sort={"_id": 1}

    "data": [
            "_id": "551c76c3bad12f302b343481",
            "object": "c_conversation"
            "_id": "551c76c4bad12f302b343489",
            "object": "c_conversation"
    "hasMore": true,
    "object": "list"

The response's hasMore property is true, so the caller knows there are more results. The last _id in the list is used in the next where argument like this:

GET /conversations?paths[]=_id&limit=2&where={"_id": {"$gt": "551c76c4bad12f302b343489"}}&sort={"_id": 1}

    "data": [
            "_id": "551c76c3bad12f302b343492",
            "object": "c_conversation"
            "_id": "551c76c4bad12f302b343511",
            "object": "c_conversation"
    "hasMore": true,
    "object": "list"

List Property Paging

Lists of contexts can be paged by prefixing query arguments with the property name. For example:

GET /c_patientfiles/550891732390ac1832f3317f/?paths[]=connections.access&connections.where={"_id":{"$gt":"550b9a25c59c1ef032ab641c"}}

    "_id": "550891732390ac1832f3317f",
    "object": "c_patientfile",
    "connections": {
        "object": "list",
        "hasMore": "false",
        "data: [{
             "_id": "551ce5dfcd3227a41dfa7e9d",
             "object": "connection",
             "access": 2            

Last updated