HTTP Driver

POST /:object/db/bulk

Performs a bulk operation, consisting of 1 or more driver operations. Bulk operations may be nested. For more information and examples, see Bulk Operation in the scripting section.

$> mdctl api POST /accounts/db/bulk --file ./bulk-def.json --env=dev.example

Path Params

  • object { String } The object name.

Body Params

  • ops { Object[] } An array of bulk operations.

    • operation { String } The operation name. Can be any one of the driver operations (bulk, readOne, cursor, etc.).

    • object { String = undefined } Sets a new object target for the operation.

    • name { String = undefined } Wrapped responses will be renamed to this from the operation name.

    • halt {Boolean = true } If false, an error will not halt the current bulk operation; Errors will instead be pushed to the output stream.

    • output {Boolean = true } If false, results are not pushed to the output stream.

    • wrap { Boolean = true } If false, the operationResult wrapper is removed from output documents.

    • * { * } Other individual operation options should be added to the operation object (ie. match, where, pipeline, limit, etc.)

Header Params

  • Accept { String = application-json } The client can request application/x-ndjson to stream newline-delimited JSON documents.


  • { List } A list result.

    • data { OperationResult[] } An array of wrapped results.

      • _id { ObjectID } The operation result identifier.

      • data { * } The wrapped operation result.

      • object { String } The object name, operationResult.

      • path { String } The operation path in the form operationName[operationIndex][cursorPosition].

      • timestamp { Number } The timestamp the operation result ws created, in milliseconds.

    • hasMore { Boolean } true when more document exists past the cursor.

    • object { String } "list".

POST /:object/db/count

Count object instances.

Path Params

  • object { String } The object name.

Body Params

  • accessLevel { String|Number } If set, limits the count to those documents where the caller has at least accessLevel.

  • limit { Number } If set, limits the maximum count.

  • locale { String } Set the locale for the operation. This affect localized string matches.

  • maxTimeMS { Number = 10000 } The maximum number of milliseconds the query is allowed to process before an initial cursor is opened.

  • skip { Number } Skips skip documents.

  • where { Object } A query match filter.


  • { Result } A result object.

    • data { Number } A document count.

    • object { String } result.

POST /:object/db/cursor

Stream a query or aggregation cursor.

Path Params

  • object { String } The object name.

Header Params

  • Accept { String = application-json } The client can request application/x-ndjson to stream newline-delimited JSON documents.

Body Params

  • accessLevel { Number }

  • expand { String[] }

  • group { Object }

  • include { String[] }

  • limit { Number }

  • locale { String }

  • map { String }

  • maxTimeMS { Number = 10000 }

  • paths { String[] }

  • passive { Boolean = false }

  • pipeline { Object[] }

  • prefix { String } A path to use when retrieving a cursor to a List within a readThrough path.

  • skip { Number }

  • sort { Object }

  • where { Object }


  • { List } A list result.

    • data { *[] } Array of results.

    • hasMore { Boolean } true when more document exists past the cursor.

    • object { String } list.

Last updated

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