Cortex service accounts

In order for org and study configuration to be moved around between environments, the system should be able to easily map user accounts. That's difficult because of passwords and unique email addresses. Roles are currently mapped but user accounts are not. Since views and scripts can be run as a user and resources created must have a creator, packages will need user accounts to act on their behalf. Service accounts enable running a view or a script without having to use a named account. Developer tools and deployments will be able to import and export service accounts.

Create a service account

We are going to create our first service account so that you can assign this account to your custom scripts.

  • Go to your org control panel

  • Click on Settings > Service Account and click New Service Account

  • The create service account form is displayed. Click Create




Unique name for the service account. You cannot have 2 service accounts with the same name.


Unique label for the service account. You cannot have 2 service accounts with the same label.


When locked, a service account cannot be authenticated (eg. via access token) but can still be used to run scripts, views, etc.


Role(s) associated to the service account

Service Accounts are also supported for deployment using the cortex developer tools. Documentation for installation and usage for the Cortex developer tools can be found here:

Last updated