Query Operators

Query operators can be used to construct query conditions in order to find data. Query operators are typically applied to a property and take a value or a document defining the conditions of the operation.

For example:

{<property>: {<operator>: value}}


{<property>: {<operator>: {<option>: <value>, <option>: value, ...}}}

Or, in the case of logical operators (e.g. $and, $or), the operator takes an array of expressions:

{<operator>: [{<expression>}, {<expression>}, ...]}


Query operators can be used in a where query argument or in a $match pipeline stage .

When used in a where query argument, the request looks similar to the following:

GET /<object>?where={<query conditions>}

When used in a $match pipeline stage, the request looks similar to the following:

GET /<object>?pipeline=[{"$match":{<query conditions>}}]

Query Operator Types



Comparison Operators

For filtering results based on value comparisons.

Logical Operators

Join query clauses together or invert the meaning of a query expression

Evaluation Operators

Filter results based on the result of a regular expression

Geospatial Operators

Find locations within a distance of a central location.

Array Operators

Match on arrays, elements in an array, or size of arrays.

Comparison Operators





Selects documents where the value of the property is equal to the passed in value.

{“c_bpm”: {“$eq”: 70}}


Selects documents where the value of the property is greater than the passed in value.

{“c_bpm”: {“$gt”: 70}}


Selects documents where the value of the property is greater than or equal to the passed in value.

{“c_bpm”: {“$gte”: 70}}


Selects documents where the value of the property is lesser than the passed in value.

{“c_bpm”: {“$lt”: 70}}


Selects documents where the value of the property is lesser than or equal to the passed in value.

{“c_bpm”: {“$lte”: 70}}


Selects documents where the value of the property is not equal to the passed in value.

{“c_bpm”: {“$ne”: 70}}


Selects documents where the property matches any of the passed in values.

{“c_bpm”: {“$in”: [65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70]}}


Selects documents where the property matches none of the passed in values.

{“c_bpm”: {“$nin”: [65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70]}}

Logical Operators





Selects documents where all passed in conditions are met.

{“$and”: [{“c_bpm”: {“$gt”: 70}}, {“c_bpm”: {“$lt”: 100}}] }


Selects documents where any passed in conditions are met.

{“$or”: [{“c_bpm”: {“$gt”: 70}}, {“c_bmi”: {“$gt”: 24.9}}] }


Evaluates to true if the property or expression evaluates to false.

{“$not”: “c_active”}


Selects documents where none of the passed in conditions are met.

{“$nor”: [{“c_bpm”: {“$gt”: 70}}, {“c_bmi”: {“$gt”: 24.9}}] }

Evaluation Operators





Selects documents where the string property matches the passed in regular expression.

{“name.first”: {“$regex”: “/^samplename/i”}}

Geospatial Operators





Selects documents with geospatial data that exists entirely within a specified shape.

{"c_location": {"$within": {"$center": [-122.143019, 37.441883], "$radius": 10}}}

Array Operators





Selects documents where the array property contains all of the passed in values.

{“roles”: {“$all”: [“000000000000000000000007”, “0123456789ab0123456789ab”]}}


Selects documents where all properties of an array of document properties match the passed in expression. $elemMatch does not limit the results within the array, but filters the entire document for contained entries.

{“c_docs”: {“$elemMatch”: {“c_foo”: “yes”, “c_bar”: true}}}


Selects documents where the size of the array property matches the passed in values.

{“c_arr”: {“$size”: 20}}

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