Set up a data model


Medable provides a number of standard objects such as the Account object, which is critical to user management. When you sign up and your orgs are provisioned, an instance of the Account object is created for your initial admin user, enabling you to log in to your org(s).

Medable is designed to be extensible and customizable, so extending the standard objects and creating your own objects to suit your needs is quick and easy.

When extending a standard object or creating your own objects and properties, the resulting objects are considered "custom" objects and properties. To avoid any naming collisions between standard and custom objects and properties, any customizations are prefixed with c_.

So, for example, if you were to add a custom "address" document property to the Account object, the property would appear in the API as c_address. The same holds true for object names. If you were to create a custom "Prescription" object, the API name for the object would be c_prescription. This only impacts code and does not impact the UI for your applications. Although an object or property may have a c_ prefix, it can still have a human-readable label.

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